Sunday, March 31, 2013

Oamuru - An Architectural Delight

We were enamoured with the port town of Oamuru, North Otago. The nineteenth century  buildings in the town centre were constructed from local limestone, Oamuru stone, and are tastefully ornate. Some house civic offices, some pay homage to Oamuru's past as a shipping port for wool and the whaling industry and many have become art studios.

Corinthian columns adorn many of the stately buildings 

Rani loves the fire engine red phone booths 

The dragon prow of the engine at the steam museum

Our driver didn't get his morning cuppa!

We were fortunate to see the 100th anniversary exhibition of Scott's Antarctic Expedition at the Forrester Gallery, showcasing photos by Herbert Ponting. The black and white photos were crisp in quality and showed his artistic talent.

Scott's ship Terra Nova in the antarctic

Gorgeous lion fountain that would have pride of place in a Sikh mansion!

Rani  looking at the bales of wool in the wharfside warehouse

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