Sunday, July 7, 2013

We have left Viani Bay!

We are now anchored off the village of Salia on Kioa island after spending 16 days in Viani Bay. We said our good byes to the family on our little island and motored and sailed for a few hours to our new anchorage. Kioa island was settled by Polynesians from Vaitupu island in Tuvalu. They relocated here shortly after World War II due to overcrowding on their own island.

The people in Kioa are up to date technologically, with electricity from solar panels and a diesel generator that is run at night for lighting and running refrigerators and laptops. One family we met regularly video skypes with their fashion model daughter in Winchester, UK!

Lugi prepares broiled fish while her husband Frank and Rani look on

Shaleen, Jovan, and Rani.

Rani watches children breaking open local almonds

Jovan visits his his great grandmother, Frances. Jovan is just learning to walk.

Rani with a visiting child and Caroline (Frances' daughter)

Chris makes his first friend on Kioa

We went for a walk this morning along the beach. All of the following pictures illustrate how rich an experience one can have in a very short time here.

The Kioans still use dug-out outrigger canoes to fish as well more modern fiberglass open outboard boats

Lopati gathers palm fronds to thatch a new house.

In addition to chickens we saw pigs in wooden cages, which are raised off the ground, presumably to ensure their captives do not dig an escape tunnel.

Weaving pandanus is a Tuvaluan tradition. This pandanus is drying in a cave at the end of the beach.

Beach panorama. The shelf is full of corals, brittle stars, and worms.

Not sure if these coconut palm baskets are used in fishing or food storage.

Giant clam on the coral reef.

Giant elephant ear leaves dwarf Rani

Unfortunately, there was some garbage on the beach - a reminder that civilization has made it to Kioa

A worm explores a tide pool for food.

We call these eye-ball trees. The similarity is alarming.

Coral graves in a clearing above the beach.

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