Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Crowned in a Day

We called on Monday, the day we arrived in Suva, and were fortunate to get an appointment at the office of Dr. Vikash Singh, an Australian trained dentist first thing the next morning. By 5pm I had a new crown on the molar that I had broken several weeks earlier. The procedure was nearly painless and the crown fits perfectly.

Dr. Singh has a computer controlled crown milling machine (CEREC), which allows him to create the crown in his office rather than sending the casts made from my mouth off to Hong Kong or Australia to have the crown made (with a 4 week delay). This dentist also has the most amazing camera built into the dental inspection lamp, which allows you to see gory close-ups of the inside of your mouth from various angles and lighting conditions. These are shown on a flat screen TV just like you see in sports bars these days.

Total cost including a full mouth X-Ray and 3 visits (all in the same day) was about $600 Canadian - expensive in Fijian terms (more than a month's wages for a manual labourer) but reasonable when you compare this to similar work done in the UK or Canada. His other fees are much lower (I picked the most expensive regular procedure he does). E.g., 40 to 70 Canadian dollars for a filling.

So to any cruiser considering dental work in Fijj, I cannot recommend this fellow highly enough. He is on Stewart street in Suva and can be reached at 330-8882 or email at drsingh at connect.com.fj

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