Sunday, March 31, 2013

Oamuru - An Architectural Delight

We were enamoured with the port town of Oamuru, North Otago. The nineteenth century  buildings in the town centre were constructed from local limestone, Oamuru stone, and are tastefully ornate. Some house civic offices, some pay homage to Oamuru's past as a shipping port for wool and the whaling industry and many have become art studios.

Corinthian columns adorn many of the stately buildings 

Rani loves the fire engine red phone booths 

The dragon prow of the engine at the steam museum

Our driver didn't get his morning cuppa!

We were fortunate to see the 100th anniversary exhibition of Scott's Antarctic Expedition at the Forrester Gallery, showcasing photos by Herbert Ponting. The black and white photos were crisp in quality and showed his artistic talent.

Scott's ship Terra Nova in the antarctic

Gorgeous lion fountain that would have pride of place in a Sikh mansion!

Rani  looking at the bales of wool in the wharfside warehouse

Moeraki Boulders at Sunrise

The owner of the Moeraki Boulders Campground advised us to get to the beach at sunrise. Somehow we woke up on time, dragged ourselves from the warm blankets and ever so quietly drove out of the campsite. There were several photographers there already and we tried to respect each other's presence as we vied for the best shots. Chris and I both had cameras, so you be the judge...

Penguins and more

 Chris finally checked off " I want to see penguins " from his bucket list. The best sighting we had was at Curio Bay, from the penguin blind at the lovely clifftop campsite. We spent several hours getting soaked in the rain, taking endless photos and videos of Yellow-eyed Penguins on the shore below. They can play "statues" for hours, interrupting the monotony by a bit of preening and scratching to the delight of the crowd.

The best time to see them is at dawn or dusk when they go out to fish or return to the nest. One parent stays with the young chicks while the other goes fishing, changing roles every one to two days. There were not many to see as this is also the molting season. Losing all their feathers at one time means they cannot swim during this process, which can take 2-3 weeks. They prepare by gorging on fish and building up a fat reserve several weeks before they start losing their feathers. And they fast until they have a brand new water-proof suit.

The rare Yellow-eyed Penguin (Hoiho) at Curio Bay 

I can stand like this for hours.

 No privacy anywhere..Oh, that feels so good!
Sometimes I wish I could fly away from these paparazzi!

Hippity, hop. I wonder if I can give them the slip!
 At various lakes and lagoons, we saw a variety of ducks and many black swans. The zoom on our camera could not capture their colours and graceful movements.

Grey Ducks appear to be cemented but are swimming in a blooming algae pond

Keas at a lookout on the Arthur's Pass route 
 We may have mentioned that these colourful parrots are naturally curious and can be a pest, investigating loose bits of rubber on cars and prying it away, taking out rubbish from over-flowing bins etc.  We found these two quarreling over an empty Mcdonalds' glass in a car park.

Weka mooching off the tourists at the Pancake Rocks Visitor Centre
Wekas, or woodhens, are large flightless birds about the size of a chicken endemic to New Zealand. They are quite tame and approach tourists for tidbits in many places.

And, now for something furry and cuddly....

Bunnies playing in the flax at the campsite

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tea Anyone?

I love my cup of tea and brought the car to a grinding halt when we passed Teapot Land in Owaka, on the Catlins coast. The owner, Graham, has a collection of 863 teapots of all shapes and sizes in his front garden. He invites people to admire and photograph them, for a small donation. Funnily enough he prefers coffee to tea!

Some he has bought, while others were donated for a good cause. Most are in fine shape but a few lack a spout or handle. There is something for everyone - animals in cute clothes, country cottages, cars and double-decker buses. Graham is in it purely for fun and discourages collectors from taking his precious pots by drilling a hole in the base of his more desirable pots. Every Autumn he takes several days to pack the collection, bringing it out again for the summer season.

Cats, mice, pigs - all manner of animal teapots

Even the teddy bears love tea at picnics!

We got milk!

House size pots!

Hey, don't forget us!

Gordon loves collecting teapots but drinks coffee!!!

Tea on wheels!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

South end of South Island

Some photos from our travels in the south end of New Zealand's South Island. We are currently on the ferry to Wellington and will post some more pics soon, including some of the penguins we saw at Curio Bay.

Bus shelter with a twist

Another chance meeting with cruisers - Dorothy and Frank are a German couple whom we last saw in Tonga. Their boat is in Fiji and they are touring the south island by camper van. We bumped into them in Riverton.

Graceful statues in a park in Invercargil

Burt Munro's Munro Special - a modified Indian motorcycle. This is a replica used in the filming of "The World's Fastest Indian"

Burt Munro pointing at a blown out engine. He pushed the 1920's technology to its limits and beyond.
Freedom site at Fortrose - right on a tidal inlet.

Water tower in Invercargill

Light at Waipapa Point

Cormorants at Waipapa Point

NZ Sea Lion was quite unperturbed by us

Rani trying to go further south at Slope Pt - southernmost point in NZ

Petrified forest  - 160 million years old - at Curio Bay

Petrified wood

Kelp at Curio Bay

MacLean Falls

View from a DOC campground we found at the end of a long windy dirt road.

Another view from a nice remote DOC campground